Posts Tagged ‘WordPress header.php’

WordPress Theme #2

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme – Header

In the part 1 of this tutorial we learned how to install WordPress CMS, Set it up, thumbnail, and favicon. Now it is time to go further and keep converting different piece of parts.
In part 2 you work on header part of your website. You need to replace some html parts in it. Also you need to add your HTML template styling sheet to the Desktop WP Website’s styling sheet and upload it to your theme on server.

Style.css file

This file is located in root of your folder theme and you need to replace your CSS codes with some parts of it. All you should do is
In Desktop WP website open style.css
From line right after your top comments to the “BEGIN WORDPRESS-GENERATED SELECTORS” delete all codes, then copy and paste your template website CSS codes into it (the same location). DO NOT TOUCH CODES LOCATED UNDER “BEGIN WORDPRESS-GENERATED SELECTORS” SECTION.
If you check your WP website, it looks wholly mess. Do not worry because it is what we should fixed to make it neat and pretty like as your HTML website.