Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

How to make Custom Logo for your WP theme?

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

You can do it in a very 3-step coding. 

1- Go to functions.php and add the following code ​


function themename_custom_logo_setup() {

    $defaults = array(

        'height'      => 100,

        'width'       => 400,

        'flex-height' => true,

        'flex-width'  => true,

        'header-text' => array( 'site-title', 'site-description' ),


    add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', $defaults );


add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'themename_custom_logo_setup' );



2- Go to your WP dashboard --> Theme --> Customize --> Add your logo


3- Add the following code to your header.php where the logo should be displayed.


if ( function_exists( 'the_custom_logo' ) ) {



WordPress Child Theme

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014


If you have already a WordPress website and need to make some styling changes, you have two options. You can manipulate style.css in your theme folder or you can use child theme. In this tutorial I teach you how to create a child theme for your current theme. Child theme helps you to change everything back to the original theme by just one click in your WordPress dashboard. Instead of modifying the theme files directly, you can create a child theme and override within.


WordPress Sort categories

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014


Last week I noticed category list on my WordPress theme is not sorted the way I like. So, I checked category widgets and It did not have any option to sort it. Moreover, I checked post categories and all I found was how to create new category. This is really odd that WordPress developers did not put this capability to it. With a quick search on Google I found really useful plugin which is called “My Category Order”. All you should do is installing it and drag the generated widget to your sidebar. I think WordPress developers should replace this plugin with the default one.


Here is the link to access this plugin >> Download My Category Order Plugin





Change WordPress Text Editor

Friday, February 28th, 2014


Substitution for WordPress default editor

I was bored of my WordPress text editor and decided to find a good substition for it today. I searched online almost 15 minutes and tried some WordPress text editor plugins on my website. Evetually I came up with CKEditor For WordPress Plugin. I am now writing this post by my new WordPress text editor and I am getting in love with it. It is free and looks like a Microsoft word simple text editor. To download it you can search for "CKPlugin for WordPress" in your website's dashboard. Moreover you can download it from the link bellow:


> Download CKPlugin For WordPress


Note: Not only it changes the dashboard text editor, but also comment boxes are all changed. Isn't it cool?



WordPress Login Logo

Friday, February 28th, 2014


In this tutorial I am going to show  A simple way to change your WordPress logo on your WordPress dashboard login page. You would be glad to hear that it is so easy. All you should do contains just two steps.login_form


WordPress Theme #5

Friday, February 28th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme – Page Template Files

You are on the final stage and it means you have done really great! In part 1 you learned how to install and set up WordPress. Also you learned how to create your theme thumbnail and favicon. In part 2 you learn how to convert header and styling sheet. In part 3 you learned how to convert navigations, and eventually in part 4 you learned how to create sidebars and widgetized areas.

WordPress Theme #4

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme – Sidebar

If you read and did steps 1 to 3 of my tutorials, you are almost done with 70% of conversion. In part 4 I teach you how to create WordPress sidebars for your WordPress website. WordPress sidebar is dynamic and would be shown in WordPress dashboard. Not only sidebars, but also all widgetize WordPress areas would follow the same structure which I describe it here.


You need to follow these steps:


• Register your sidebar in functions.php
• Create sidebar include file and put it in the root of your theme
• Locate your sidebar in your website
• In Dashboard Widget area set your sidebar up

WordPress Theme #3

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme – Navigation

To create your WordPress menu you need to pass three simple steps.

  • Register your menu
  • Add location for your menu
  • Set up menu in WordPress dashboard

Register you menu

You need to introduce your menu to the WordPress and it happens in “functions.php” file. Open this file from your Desktop WP Website. This is where you should register your menu.

WordPress Theme #2

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme – Header

In the part 1 of this tutorial we learned how to install WordPress CMS, Set it up, thumbnail, and favicon. Now it is time to go further and keep converting different piece of parts.
In part 2 you work on header part of your website. You need to replace some html parts in it. Also you need to add your HTML template styling sheet to the Desktop WP Website’s styling sheet and upload it to your theme on server.

Style.css file

This file is located in root of your folder theme and you need to replace your CSS codes with some parts of it. All you should do is
In Desktop WP website open style.css
From line right after your top comments to the “BEGIN WORDPRESS-GENERATED SELECTORS” delete all codes, then copy and paste your template website CSS codes into it (the same location). DO NOT TOUCH CODES LOCATED UNDER “BEGIN WORDPRESS-GENERATED SELECTORS” SECTION.
If you check your WP website, it looks wholly mess. Do not worry because it is what we should fixed to make it neat and pretty like as your HTML website.

WordPress Theme #1

Thursday, February 27th, 2014


WordPress Custom Theme

If you have static website and you need to convert it to the WordPress custom theme, you are on the right track. In this tutorial I teach you how to make your dream come true. To do so, you need to have web programming knowledge. Especially HTML and CSS. You need to have a text editor and WordPress template tag cheat sheet. The best source for all your answers is


Starting point

Backup all your content and images on your old static website.  The worst case of scenario you should be able to recover your old website. Also, you need content for your new dynamic WordPress website. You can copy/paste all your text to a text editor like Microsoft Word. Keep them some where safe and go to the next stage.